
our service packages

Our range of packages are the perfect way to take control of your business’ accounting.



Select the package that covers your Accounting, Xero or Bookkeeping needs.
Click below to learn more about each package and decide which one suits you best.


Once you’ve decided which package best suits your needs just give us a few details.


Simply submit your form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I sign up part way through the year?

If you sign up for a package part-way through the year then a pricing adjustment will be necessary. Our packages are billed on the 1st of the month. If you have any queries regarding our pricing, or you’d like to discuss tailored services, then please get in touch.

Will you offer a fixed priced agreement for all services?

Better Accounting Solutions will try to always provide a fixed price agreement, particularly in the instance where services are ongoing. However there are some services that we offer where an estimate based on an hourly rate is the only method of billing that applies. We’ll quote an hourly rate in cases of project work where it is difficult to define the scope of the service required. In the case where you have been quoted an estimate based on an hourly rate, Better Accounting Solutions will inform you of the amount of time used before we issue the final bill and collect payment.

If possible, Better Accounting Solutions will convert any hourly services into a fixed price agreement, if or when, the scope of the service becomes more apparent.

Why do you offer a fixed price agreement for ongoing services?

The standard method of billing in professional services has traditionally had an emphasis on providing services in exchange for an hourly rate. Better Accounting Solutions has come to the realisation that this method is an archaic method of pricing. It is also a conflict of interest because what it means is (as an industry) we are directly rewarded for how inefficient we are. The longer we take to do the job the more we get. Hourly billing does not promote an emphasis on customer service or an incentive to complete jobs quickly.


The biggest issue with hourly billing you have no idea how much the job will be until the bill is received. We don’t think that is fair on you. As a courtesy to you, we think you deserve to know in advance how much the job will cost and what it entails. As a modern & progressive firm we have moved all of our engagements to a fixed price agreement model.

Level 1, 1379 Point Nepean Rd Rosebud VIC 3939
Ph (03) 5982 1714

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